Monday, August 25, 2008

Finally Back at School!!!

Wow, this week has been so annoying...

Unfortunately my 1 year old daughter came down with Chicken Pox! Yip you know what that means! no school.. have to stay home & look after her. I was so scared my self because i did not know wether or not i would catch it too. But luckily i didnt. Apparently i've already had it before when i was a baby.

Sooo, a whole week at home doing nothing, i couldnt go to school & prepare for my next assignment, & i also couldnt go down to hamilton on a thursday to interview someone about the Koroneihana. But what i did manage to do is interview someone over the phone who happened to be at the Koroneihana the day before!!! Boy was i happy!

So i got my tape recorder, put the phone on speaker & away we went!

The sound was that great but atleast i have something!!

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