Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday- In Rotorua

Today our first class was with Materoa Haenga...

And her class was all about KIWAHA!

so for example:
*HAU PIRAU!- Lier, or *I KII ATU RA- I told you so! or *HE MAI TIKA MAI- Write or Wrong...

So she basically explained a whole lot of Kiwaha to us & then gave us a paper with blank spaces on them & we had to fill them spaces in with the right Kiwaha in..

It was awesome, after we filed them in we had to act it out like a little play!

Then it was lunch, after that we had Rahera Shortland...

She soo favored me, because she knows my mum...hehehe. who is the C.E.O of Ngapuhi.

And in her class we focussed on translating Maori storys into Pakeha... That was fun, but the storys we had to do were sad, one of them was a true story of a guy that got attacked by a shark! And Boy was it detailed!!!!! The whole time we were translating this story i just kept thinking if this guy we were reading about was all right & is Still Alive! Found out at the end of the class that he was!lol

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